Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Start Reeling...

Good (early) evening.

For better or worse, reading this means your frankly aimless wandering of the world's widest of webs has led you here; the beginnings of a little film blog I, Charles James Pritchard, have created.

And if you think about that, what with the seemingly infinite library of knowledge currently at your fingertips, and how - of all places - this is where you've ended up... that's probably quite depressing. But if it's any consolation at all, I'm glad you're still here, reading this sentence.

OK so, film blog.

Basically what that means is me writing my opinions on films I've seen recently*. Simple.

Why should anyone be interested in my opinions on film? Well that's a good question, why indeed! But I think that's probably answered with the question of why does anyone indulge in anything as self-obsessed as 'blogging' in the first place ie it's probably more in my interest that people hear my opinions than in theirs.

Just to pre-empt, while film will be the propelling catalyst for the blog, it will probably divert occasionally to include anything else worthy of mention, but I will try my best to keep it 98% 'on track'. I'll also try feature as many new cinema and DVD releases I can, as well as plenty of other stuff on films that fall into neither category.

Will that actually happen? We'll see.

So until then... C.

*(Fortunately, I've realised that writing the above phrase in italics makes it read like the words of an only child at a birthday party no-one's enjoying. You know, the sort of party where they hand out that cheap sponge cake on paper plates. And then a phantom guest does a wee behind the sofa. We've all been there. We've all been to that party).

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